Kindergarten-5th Grade
SONlight Club meets on Wednesday evenings during the school year at 6:45 p.m. Kids get the chance to have lots of fun while learning more about the Bible and about God.
Children interact with Bible truths through stories, songs, games and service projects. Kids earn prizes, memorize Bible verses and are encouraged to invite friends to SONlight Club. An end-of-the-year party celebrates their accomplishments. Van service is provided and children are welcome to join us for Wednesday Night Supper at 5:30 p.m. (NOTE: If South Adams Schools are closed, due to inclement weather or an emergency, we will not meet for Wednesday night programming. Teacher in-service days will not result in cancellation. Check our Facebook page for fog days: https://www.facebook.com/CrossCommunityChurchBerne)
SONlight Club meets on Wednesday evenings during the school year at 6:45 p.m. Kids get the chance to have lots of fun while learning more about the Bible and about God.
Children interact with Bible truths through stories, songs, games and service projects. Kids earn prizes, memorize Bible verses and are encouraged to invite friends to SONlight Club. An end-of-the-year party celebrates their accomplishments. Van service is provided and children are welcome to join us for Wednesday Night Supper at 5:30 p.m. (NOTE: If South Adams Schools are closed, due to inclement weather or an emergency, we will not meet for Wednesday night programming. Teacher in-service days will not result in cancellation. Check our Facebook page for fog days: https://www.facebook.com/CrossCommunityChurchBerne)

Grades 6-12
S.W.A.T. , Students With A Testimony, meets on Wednesday evenings at 6:45pm during the school year. At S.W.A.T., we encourage and challenge our middle school and high school youth to have an authentic walk with the Lord. We accomplish this by opening God’s word and explaining what it means to follow Jesus. We use creative media to help students discuss and answer honestly about their lives and how the Bible applies to them. We also plan fun events throughout the year to get our students together for fellowship and team building.
NOTE: If South Adams Schools are closed, due to inclement weather or an emergency, we will not meet for Wednesday night programming. Teacher in-service days will not result in cancellation. Check our Facebook page for fog days: https://www.facebook.com/CrossCommunityChurchBerne
S.W.A.T. , Students With A Testimony, meets on Wednesday evenings at 6:45pm during the school year. At S.W.A.T., we encourage and challenge our middle school and high school youth to have an authentic walk with the Lord. We accomplish this by opening God’s word and explaining what it means to follow Jesus. We use creative media to help students discuss and answer honestly about their lives and how the Bible applies to them. We also plan fun events throughout the year to get our students together for fellowship and team building.
NOTE: If South Adams Schools are closed, due to inclement weather or an emergency, we will not meet for Wednesday night programming. Teacher in-service days will not result in cancellation. Check our Facebook page for fog days: https://www.facebook.com/CrossCommunityChurchBerne

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Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together a 10:00am!