
Meet Pastor Brad Buckley.

My name is Brad Buckley, I am privileged to be the husband of Kylee, and dad to the most joyful little girl. We are a family that loves to host. We regularly have families and friends at our home.

We believe the local church should be a spiritual family, and we have made that a strong effort of ours over our years in ministry. We enjoy connecting relationally with people and journeying through life together in the ups and the downs. Citing the Apostle Paul’s words from Galatians 6:2, “Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.”
We want to know people, be known by people, and grow in Christ into Christian maturity. That’s who we are.

 When we are not with others around a table for meals, board games, and seeking the will of God through prayer and devotion, you can find me on my days off working with cattle, fixing and using my old farm equipment, or firing up the smoker for pork ribs, chicken, or any other consumable meat. After putting our daughter to bed, we will be giving our dog, Cookie, all the attention he’s missed throughout the day!

I was a youth pastor from 2020-2024 and sensed the Lord’s call to the senior pastorate. I first received the call to ministry at the age 19 and have spent the last 8 years of my life in my best attempt at surrender to the Lord as I have seen this calling develop and change in my life over that time. I have a love and a burden to serve the local church in smaller communities. Cross Church has been an excellent family for us in this regard!

I come from a small town in Southeastern, Ohio called Reedsville. I grew up under the care of two wonderful parents who introduced me to the Lord Jesus Christ at a young age. When a teenager, I had a mentor come into my life who discipled me and showed me the way of Christian ministry, character, and a transformed life because of Jesus Christ. I just haven’t been the same since.

It is my joy to journey with the people of Cross Community Church toward Jesus every day. If you don’t have a church home? Come and see if this warm, loving, inspired, Jesus-centered congregation could be home for you! We aren’t perfect, but we are diligently in pursuit of our perfect Lord. See you soon! Please contact me at the church office if you have any questions.

Our Church Council

Ben Bluhm
Ben is a retired accountant and serves Cross Community as our church treasurer. In his spare time he enjoys farming.
Jamerson (Jamie) Franck
Type your new text here.
Kenric Gould
Kenric is a mechanic for the Highway Department. He serves Cross Community as the Facilities Team Coordinator. In his spare time he enjoys spending time with family and off-roading.
Jessica Miller
Jessica is an office assistant and journalist for our local paper, The Berne Witness. She serves Cross Community on the praise team, assists with S.W.A.T. and is Council Secretary. In her free time Jessica like to hike, kayak and spend time with family.
Karen Moser
Karen is a retired elementary music teacher. She serves Cross Community as our worship leader; plays piano, keyboard and organ; leads the handbell choir; and is Council Chairperson. In her free time Karen enjoys sewing, crafting, enjoying the out-of-doors and traveling.